We know how difficult it can be choosing online training, we have been there ourselves! That is why we are giving free access to all our health and safety training courses (excluding exams) so you can try them out and satisfy yourself with the quality.
We know that when something looks too good to be true, there's often a catch. There are no catches, we simply want to give you a more informed choice.
The aim of Commodious Training is simple - to provide cost effective health, safety and compliance training for SME’s and charities. We want to promote a “why not” attitude towards training, and hopefully help promote better health, safety and food hygiene throughout the UK.
Email us with your requirements and we will enrol you onto our trial course which gives you free access to all of our training course modules:
Asbestos Awareness - COSHH - Abrasive Wheels - Display Screen Equipment - Fire Safety - Confined Spaces Safety Awareness - Food Hygiene - Legionella Awareness - Manual Handling - Noise - Slips, Trips And Falls - Environmental Awareness - Lone Worker And Violence at Work - Working at Height - Abrasive Wheels - PUWER (Work Equipment) - Safeguarding Awareness - Electrical Safety - First Aid At Work - CDM Regulations
We've suggested {{courseCount(suggestedCourseCount, 'popular')}} for you. You can deselect them below if you'd prefer something else (although the product you are upgrading from must remain) .
Please select {{courseCount(model.CourseCount)}} to create your bundle. Please select {{courseCount(model.CourseCount - vm.selectedCount(), 'more')}} to create your bundle ({{vm.selectedCount()}} currently selected). {{vm.selectedCount()}} courses currently selected. Please deselect {{courseCount(vm.selectedCount() - model.CourseCount)}} to create your bundle ({{vm.selectedCount()}} currently selected).